National Family Business Day Celebration
News & Announcements
Each year during September National Family Business Day is celebrated, it's a day that has been created to acknowledge the ...
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Vibrant Sapphire: The Birthstone for September
Gift Ideas, Precious Gems, Birthstone
September's birthstone, sapphire has been admired for centuries. The gemstone is well known for its vibrant, electric blue ...
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Pink Diamond Update October 2021
Design Inspiration, Pink Diamonds, News & Announcements
It has been a phenomenal year for pink diamonds! Since the closure of the Argyle mine last November, we have seen demand ...
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Celebrating Love: Qixi Double Seventh Festival
Gift Ideas
At Gerard McCabe, we love celebrating love. There's no better way to lift our spirits than to celebrate the Qixi Festival, ...
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Gerard McCabe Inducted into the Family Business Hall of Fame
Awards, News & Announcements
As the first jeweller to be admitted for the South Australian chapter, Gerard McCabe has the pleasure of being recognised ...
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A Season of Brooches Approaches
Antique, Design Inspiration
As the Golden Globes conclude we've noticed a clear trend in red carpet jewellery in 2021, many participants of the annual ...
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